We know how important physical activity is to meeting your weight loss goals.
Do you want to lose weight ? You work or are at home and don't have time to practice a sport. No time to go to the gym. Don't panic, we have the solution!
For those in a hurry who want to lose fat quickly while gaining muscle, HIIT cardio is for you!
But first of all, why do we need to have regular physical activity. What is the interest for our body? Are you rather skeptical about the benefits of regular physical activity? Not motivated by sport because you don't know how it can benefit you.
We will explain to you why it is important for your body. Perhaps by understanding how your body works, you'll be all the more motivated.
Why do you need to have regular physical activity?
Regular physical activity is beneficial to health. It is shown, for example, that a brisk walk of 30 minutes a day would reduce the occurrence of diabetes by 40% . Physical activity will have an effect on insulin, which has the role of regulating blood sugar levels.
What is HIIT Cardio?
It is a high intensity interval training with alternating rest phase which means that the intensity of the effort is preferred to the duration. Cardio Hiit can be practiced with any sport but also from home. This new fitness trend comes straight from the United States. These are in fact sports sessions that alternate phases of intense exercise and rest, active recovery.
Why is it effective?
It is the short-term efforts, made with the maximum intensities that you can provide and the repetition of these efforts which allows you to increase the cardio which best accelerates weight loss and the melting of fat while gaining strength. muscular. Everyone has their own pace, suitable for all levels.
Cardio HIIT can be practiced using any fitness exercise and cardio sport (cardiobox, running…) and can therefore be personalized endlessly.
At home, you can, for example, alternate jumping squat, air squat or push-up exercises. The movements of each exercise that you choose are done according to your level, the main thing is not to hurt yourself while doing the exercises.
Example of cardio hiit exercises you can do:
The idea of cardio HIIT will be to alternate phases of effort with phases of rest.
For example you can chain 30 seconds of squat then 30 seconds of rest and chain on 7 other exercises that you have chosen.
You choose the exercises according to the parts of the body you want to work.
You repeat the circuit (the 8 exercises) according to your level (2 beginners, 3 confirmed and 4 warriors) and put 1 to 2 min break between each circuit.
It's good for people who don't have time to play sports or who are discouraged by long sports sessions. With HIIT cardio, by taking just 7 minutes a day of your time, you can effectively work all parts of your body.
How often to practice cardio hitt
Ideally it is good to do 3 sessions per week and 4 sessions for the most motivated. Of course, before starting any cure or sports practice, consult your doctor. You can, to optimize your results, take in addition the Slim'Tea OWARI treatment .